23 Mississaga St W, Orillia (Inside Creative Nomad Studios)



                                                                My Story

Hello and welcome to my website!  My name is Janet and I've always considered myself a creative person. From a young age I always loved bright colours, beautiful things and anything that glitters lol

I had moved away from being artistic, school then starting a career and life had taken over and my love of art was forgotten. Then in 2015 I stumbled across refinishing furniture and was introduced to Fusion Mineral paint.

I was hooked! My passion for art was re-ignited!

I love how easy the paint is to use and how, with just a little time and energy, I could transform something made for the landfill into something amazing again.

In December of 2018 fate would have me offered the opportunity to take over the Fusion paint line from another stockist and I jumped at the chance!

When I opened my shop in Orillia, I'll admit, I didn't have a detailed business plan. I did know that I wanted to offer unique, quality and beautiful products with sustainability and reducing my footprint in mind.

My primary goal is to always try to use what I have first and go from there.

I hope you will continue to like and follow my roller coaster of a journey, and perhaps, try out some creative projects yourself!